Thursday, 14 April 2011

Spoonflower redux

After my little outburst yesterday expressing disappointment in Spoonflower's delivery time guess what arrived this morning!

Yes that's right the fabric!

The cotton is not as white as Id have liked nor quite as closely woven but thats just me being picky

Given the lead time to produce it I'm still disappointed but if you know something will take 2 months and are happy to wait its not too bad.

would I do it again? You know I just might if I came up with a design I just had to had to see in fabric.
Perhaps it would be a way of creating quilt labels?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome! Sorry to hear about the white not being white enough! HAH! You're not picky, you want what you want! Sounds like a perfect Idea about the labels.. now you've got me thinking and that can be dangerous!