Saturday, 13 August 2011

pups and patterns

For a sewing tray it makes a neat little laptop. shame its not always well behaved.
Of course much of that is my fault!

gratuitous pic of puppies..

and it is grey AJ greyyyyyyy :P call yer' self computer guru!!! ~ducks~
Most of it so far is Moda Petite ecole. with a few additions thanks to Caroline and our trip to Embsay. I'm saving up now for Harrogate Sept 2nd. We country girls know how to have fun.

I must not eat toast over the laptop. I must not eat toast over the lap top..


AyJay said...

No wonder your poor little laptop keeps overheating!!!

Awww - puppies :D (We have exactly the same rug - although the tassels have been attacked by our cats & hoover :( )

Nope - still looks green to me, and on a different monitor too. Must be my eyes. I still like the arrow/zigzag effect though and it reminds me of the many star quilts my Grandma made.

Harrogate's much nicer than Birmingham (always liked the Gift Fairs there much more than at the NEC) and of course there's Bettys Tea Rooms :) - yummy cakes & interesting marquetry pictures.

No, you must NOT eat toast over the laptop! Poor, poor abused laptop.

Anonymous said...

I done burned up my laptop.. could it have been the toast?? Love the gratutious pup pictures!!

Beth said...

I love your quilt top, and the puppies as well!

Ash said...

Some wonderful lady has left me a Rydale fleece to collect!!! Thankyou so much, you're an angel.