Saturday, 3 March 2012

excuses excuses

I have not really been up to doing much of late, the seriously horrible cold and tummy issue coupled with overwhelming tiredness really put a crimp in my joie d'vive (is that how you spell that?) anyway I am looking forward to vast improvement now, thanks to thyroxine.

But before starting that I had tried to galvanise myself into some sort of action and in the process come across a very old friend. Lone is one talented lady, we were at school together and both had an artistic bias to almost everything we did. To my delight she was the tutor at a small sewing class predominantly patchwork and quilting based, a smattering of Scandinavian knitting took place also as an aside. Lone's Danish roots very much in the fore there!

It was very social, and enjoyable much like the get together at the vicarage, which I profoundly apologise for not having managed to drag myself to of late.

sewing was ensuing

I will be pottering along with my own WIP's for the foreseeable.

1 comment:

Ash said...

Commiserations. I had thyroid trouble after the birth of my daughter and used thyroxine for almost a decade after that. So glad to say I don't seem to need it now, its like to wade through mud every day!!

Hope your art and crafts comes back 'on-line' now.
Best wishes.