Wednesday, 13 June 2012

yorkshire agricultural society event

So I have a sore throat from shouting all day!!!

The YAS hold an event for schools where small work-shop introductions to various country side businesses that offer various educational links or have visitor centres. Another local business was short on some one to speak knowledgeably on poultry and egg production. Aiming the talks at 7-8 year olds meant nothing to gruesome but with out sugar coating either. Basic information that might spark their interest in animal welfare and husbandry. So muggins, I, got asked to help out. In reality I actually enjoyed the process, I can waffle, talk for hours on just about anything once I get going, so 40 min workshops where the kids also get to handle chicks and stroke the odd chicken was right up street.

Myself, together with Jodie and very pleasant Australian girl, A rather grumpy Marran cockerel and 3 of his ladies, three chicks and assorted fresh and old eggs (inc a few goose eggs) spent the day waffling, explaining the odd fact about eggs and hens. I must admit I did feel slightly pleased with myself when I was able to enlighten another company specialising in hatching chicks in incubators, on how to sex chicks.

I'd have liked to have told them how the male chicks were destroyed and how inhumane (IMNSHO) the mainstream egg producers are in their pursuit of profit. Short that, of telling the boys of each group that they were not so useful, leaving much to the imagination, was as close as I was able to get.

If nothing else they went home with a few bits of trivia to annoy their mums, Nancy and her kid, also part of the Hazel Brow set up, took the whole business in their stride, old hands at this educational events stuff, but like me, they too were rather tired by the end.

1 comment:

AyJay said...

Sounds like you had a good day and maybe educated a few kids :)
Well done you and your flock.