Thursday, 23 August 2012

quilt marking

Spent yesterday afternoon talking quilts with Kate, and planning how to actually do the quilting on the starbucks quilt. After great umming and ahhing and rifling through Kate's stash of quilting templates, the tulip design was the winner. I like to have repetition of elements through a quilt (or any art work for that matter, not that I'm claiming this is art but.....)The tulips will be centre medium border and the final wide border.

Always seem to miss a bit!!!

This marking lark takes forever!!!

I did have a bit of a mad moment when I couldnt work out if the sewline chalk mech pencil had run out of chalk and if it had (it hadn't btw) how on earth do I replace the chalk? May be keeping those instructions aka packaging might have been a good idea....

I'm surprised how quickly it is all coming together tbh, I am almost quilted out from the centre to the narrow dotted border. Its a very heavy quilt, but lovely to snuggle under while sewing. Why snuggle? well I just can't seem to manage sitting up at a frame, either I'm expecting too much of a frame, or my arms are too short, or my back too vulnerable to aches? Perhaps a sitting and quilting at a frame lesson should be in my future, but for now I am a starting in the centre kinda girl. Major advantage to which is that I can ease the backing ever few inches and with my less than perfect basting (coughs~ that's pinning to you and me)that helps a lot.

PS my fingers hurt now :(

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